Special Projects

Throughout the year, the Art Program has opportunities to engage in special projects, with community partner organizations, and thanks to funders and donors!

Projects include everything from Visual Art Exhibitions, Performance works, to Film and Documentary projects and more.

We could not do all the work we do, without our incredible community partners!

Special thanks to some of these amazing partners, among others, who have supported our young artists with time, spaces and places to create and showcase their work!

American Conservatory Theater, ABD Productions/Skywatchers, Cutting Ball Theater, Root Division, CounterPulse, Tenderloin Museum, Beats, Rhymes & Life, Hip Hop for Change, Faithful Fools, San Francisco Public Library, the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, La Cocina and many others. 


Just Free: 
Systems impacted youth surviving San Francisco

A documentary film created by and about systems impacted youth in San Francisco.

Larkin Street Youth Service's Art Program in collaboration with Felton Institute and the Young Adult Court worked with Filmmaker Spencer Wilkinson, and systems impacted young adults to co-create a documentary short, featuring young adults and adults, who share their personal stories of Justice Systems impact. Participants learned a variety of basic documentary storytelling skills, including: scriptwriting, DSLR camera functions, composition, interviewing and video editing. 

The film addresses the many barriers young people are facing in San Francisco, as one of the most vulnerable populations in the city, and includes events surrounding the recent murder of a young trans youth Banko Brown, which occurred during the project filming.

This project was made possible by the California Arts Council’s JumpStArts grant program!


Creating Resilience

Exhibition collaboration between Larkin Street Youth Services Art Program and the San Francisco Public Library

Shining a light on the extraordinary talent of young artists, this exhibit from the Art Program at Larkin Street Youth Services, looks through the lens of Creating Resilience and is hosted by the San Francisco Public Library's TAY(k) Care Program. Organized by Larkin Street -- the largest provider of housing, healthcare, employment and education services to young people experiencing homelessness in San Francisco -- the exhibit features photographs, sewing and fashion design, music videos, spoken word, poetry, dance, theater and other performance modalities. 

The work demonstrates the dedication, leadership and self-determined artistry of some of Larkin Street’s most advanced participating artists, who participate in the program as a means for self-expression and toward career-track employment. These young people are the future leaders of these fields and their bravery and honesty through trying times of transition are a daily inspiration.


UPLIFT: Framing Queer & Trans Youth Lives 

UPLIFT: Framing Queer & Trans Youth Lives is a project utilizing the lens of Photovoice, a community-based research method used to explore the unique experiences and complexities of humanity with photography, storytelling, and multidisciplinary art mediums. 

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, a collective of queer and trans youth artists developed photo and video installation pieces, utilizing the photovoice methodology, to explore the intersections of their lived expertise and centering San Francisco’s diverse LGBTQ youth community. The project was supported through a partnership betwee Larkin Street Youth Services’ Art Program and the San Francisco Human Rights Commission. The project culminated in individual videos and photo-based projects, featured in an online exhibition with post-show dialogue and community building with the artists.


Exhibitions @ Root Division

Larkin Street Youth Services’ Art Program is grateful to partner with Root Division each year, to feature visual art, experimental films, performance and other works in Root Division’s annual showcase, New Growth!

New Growth showcases student artwork created throughout Root Division’s youth Education Program. Images here are from the 2018 and 2019 showcases.

Larkin Art looks forward to partcipating in New Growth this coming Spring 2024!

Learn more about Root Division’s New Growth Exhibition here.



Music project directed by Sarah Wilson, produced by the Tenderloin Museum in collaboration with Larkin Street Youth Services 

“Tenderloin Voices" Sarah Wilson's community-based vocal music production presented by the Tenderloin Museum in collaboration with Larkin Street Youth Services, Skywatchers and writing instructor Lyzette Wanzer. Featuring writings and performance by Larkin Street Youth artists & Skywatchers singers with new music by Sarah Wilson and her all-star 7-piece band. This project occurred in several stages between 2019 when writing workshops began, 2022 with the first public performance in Dodge Alley, as a part of the “Blackhawk Block Party: Exploring the Legacy of Jazz in the Tenderloin” and later in another iteration of the project at Glide Memorial Church!