The Creatives Lab

The Creatives Lab

The Creative's Lab is an Arts & Entrepreneurship Intensive, designed to support participants in pursuing artistic excellence through hands-on training, professional development, entrepreneurship, and connection to education and employment opportunities. Collaboration is central to the Creative's Lab program with a focus on both community building and individual growth.

Through field trips, performances, exhibitions, and studio sessions students build relationships in the community with local arts and culture institutions, including theaters, music studios, museums, food and craft artisans, and more! 

This program is a two-month intensive, and includes an application and interview process for acceptance, and is a paid opportunity. Students earn up to $250/week for attending daily classes, with payment based upon attendance.

Visual Arts & Design

Each Fall cohort trains in Visual Arts & Design, including skills like photography, videography and editing, painting, drawing, merchandise design, animation, graphic design, and website development. 

Performing Arts

Each Spring cohort trains in Performing Arts, including skills such as Ensemble theater creation, music video production, speaking and public presentation, dance, singing and writing for the stage. 


All cohorts include an Entrepreneurship track, in which students learn about and prepare artist materials, branding, merchandise development, building an online business, and preparing the enter the market place as an artist.

Spring 2024 // Performing Arts


A selection of work from eight songs from the Creatives Lab 2024 crew.

Graduation & PErformance

April 26, 2024 at the Ruffe Theater (A.C.T)

Artist websites

Fall 2023 // Visual Arts & Design

Spring 2023 // Performing Arts

Fall 2022 // Visual Arts & Design

Green Screen Videos

Spring 2022

Fall 2021 // Performing Arts